It's Pride!

It’s officially June, and that means that Pride Month has finally arrived!
Cities around the world will soon be hosting their annual celebrations, such as events, parties, and perhaps most exciting, the parades! Oh, the parades! I always loved watching the Gay Pride Parade when I was just a baby gay, and even as I’ve gotten older (only slightly older, mind you), it has lost none of its luster.
If you’re going to do the Gay Pride Parade right, there are a few things you should have on you at all times. You wouldn’t want to show up unprepared, now would you?
Your Friends
What is the parade if you’re not watching with friends?!? I imagine that watching a football game with the guys is the straight equivalent of standing on the side of the Gay Pride Parade every summer with the ladies for gay guys...but we won’t think too much about that right now.
Parades are fun, but they are infinitely more exciting when some of your best Judies are standing right next to you, cheering on those strutting their stuff on the street and enjoying the barely-dressed cuties dancing on floats.
Even if you don’t care about the Parade, per se, it’s a fantastic time to hang out with boys or gals with a few well-hidden drinks ( you didn’t hear it from me ), so look up the route and find a spot where you can see everything and camp out for the day with your closest best buds. Hey, maybe this is like being a straight dude watching sports after all.
A Look
Every gay in the city (in whatever city you happen to live in) will be out in their best for Pride, because it’s the gayest day of the year! You can’t be seen in the same old clothes you wear to the bars every weekend! With all the handsomes on parade floats and the hundreds of marchers, and that’s to say nothing of the glitter, beads, and the rainbows everywhere you look, it’s harder than ever to stand out...but not impossible.
I’m not here to tell you what to wear, because you know your own style better than I do (though if you want to trade outfits, I’m always in for a swap), but you should choose something colorful, or perhaps clothes that are a little risque. Might I suggest some leather (or faux leather, if you’re not quite ready to show that much skin) or perhaps a tank that can be seen even in the largest of crowds? Maybe a funny phrase will catch the eye of somebody you’d like to get to know who is marching?
Oh, and if you’re going to wear heels, try and find comfortable ones—it’s going to be a long day.
Prides are typically in June all across the world, which means it’s likely going to be sunny and hot when you’re enjoying the parade passing by, so you’ll need all the help you can get when it comes to keeping cool. Some drinks can certainly be of use (both for refreshing yourself and for enjoying the parade on another level), but what else should you bring with you to keep the sweating at bay (it’s only cute up to a certain point) and still look fantastic?
A hat is an easy choice, as it’s as practical as it is fashionable. Almost any kind will do, but who doesn’t look good in a baseball cap? If you find someone, that’s unfortunate, as I have yet to meet a man who doesn’t instantly become at least a small snack when that hat hits his head.
If you couldn’t already have guessed it, I’ll also suggest a fan, because...duh! You can cool down and heat things up by flicking it, twirling it, dancing with it....and simply just by holding the damn thing. There’s no wrong way to carry a fan this Pride, and whichever one you choose, you’re sure to look wonderfully, delightfully, flamboyantly beautiful (and that’s kind of the point).
Gurl, We Got You, Just Find Us
Daftboy and Partners, Including Pulse Underwear will have booths with Daftboy fans at Pride celebrations all summer long, and beyond.
Find us at:
- Salt Lake City
- Washington, DC
- Columbus, OH
- St. Louis
- Atlanta
- London
- Berlin
- San Francisco
- LA
- Chicago
- Austin, TX
- San Diego
And so many more—so if you don’t already have what you need, stop by and get your life right...
Even If It's with Your Mom:
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