Your Memorial Day Outfitted

Memorial Day officially marks the start of summer, and if you haven't already been thinking about your show-stopping outfits, you’re cutting it too close! There’s still time to stock and get your life right, so if you haven’t even started, here’s your short checklist of what you’ll need and how we can help.
Fans (Duh)
Okay, well the first thing you’re going to need is a fan, and I’m not just saying that because this is a fan company (though that certainly doesn’t hurt). Fans are the one accessory you’ll be able to bring with you wherever you go throughout the warmer months, from the beach to the ball and everywhere in between.
Your new hand fan is going to keep you cool and keep you looking cool all summer long, and it’s the best way to keep the heat at bay. Your shorts can only get so short before they’re no longer allowed to even be called shorts, and unless you have someone fanning you at all times, you're going to need a hand fan to cool yourself down and give yourself that Beyoncé windswept look.
Also, pick one of the silver options available at Daftboy and take turns fanning yourself and perfecting that tan while you lay in the sand. Your summer glow should be one-half tan and one-half glistening sweat, dont you know?
Bathing Suits
It doesn’t matter where you live, in the summer, you should find a way to make it to the beach at least once. For some of us, that’s harder than for those who reside in LA, NYC, or Miami (or that guy I hooked up with that one time who lives in coastal Alaska...though I doubt he’s spending much time swimming), but even if you can only spend a few hours in the sand every year, you still need to look your best.
You should have a special new bathing suit to show off all the work you put in during the winter months at the gym (or didn’t, live your life either way!). Not everyone can rock a speedo, and some men need a little more give in the trunks, so shorts can be a safe, but sexy, option for anyone.
Whether you want to do it like they do on the Discovery Channel, make some new fans, or just prove to the world that you truly are tasty, there’s still time to grab a new suit and hit the waves...or at least a pool.
Body Art
It’s summer, so you’re going to be showing some skin, right? Whether you’re just donning shorts and short sleeves or wearing absolutely nothing at a clothing-optional beach (send pics), sometimes even the typical accessories won’t cut it, so if you want to stand out, you’re going to need to try something different.
A tattoo (or two or three) can be a great way to get people to look your way and inspect a certain part of your body...depending on where you put them. If you’re really committed to that life, go for the real thing, but if you just want a little extra bit of jush, a temporary one will do just fine. Whether you want it to be political (#RESIST), sassy (YASSSSS), or maybe even ambivalent (MEH), there’s something for you. Oh wait, those all come together in a pack right here.
Arm Candy
You’ve got your fans, your cute bathing suit, and something glittery on your you just need a handsome man hanging on as well. A seasonal fling (or a “Summerboy” as Mother Monster once put it) isn’t required to have a good time, but it certainly makes things a bit more fun, doesn’t it?
Daftboy can’t sell these to you (there’s a law about that), but with your sharp new digs and an attitude to match, you should be able to find one on your own.
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